Sometimes you come across that perfect piece of furniture! It has the shape you want the look you want and even the color you desire. But it is missing one small thing. That one small thing can make a big difference in the over all look of your furniture.

I wanted to share with you how you can add dark wax (or black wax if you prefer) to a store bought table! I have found that even a shiny factory finish in most cases will hold Annie Sloan’s dark wax. 🙂

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how to add Annie sloan dark wax to a new table
Table leg before

Supplies to Adding Dark Wax to a New Table

  1. Table
  2. Annie Sloan Dark Wax
  3. Stencil Brush
  4. Shop towels

To begin make sure your surface is clean. Wipe any dust off with a shop towel. Once surface is clean open your dark wax and lightly dip your stencil brush into the dark wax.

NOTE: I really like stencil brushes for applying dark wax because they are small and can make near perfect lines! They are also great at getting in all the nooks and crannies of your furniture! PLUS they are affordable!

When dark wax is on your stencil brush you are ready! Start on the inside crease of your table (or furniture that you are working on). Begin to make lines and dabbing motions with your hands on the INSIDE creases of your furniture. Wipe away any excess dark wax with a shop towel.

NOTE: I like to add the dark wax to all the creases lightly the first time. Then I go around a second time with more dark wax. I find this gives the wax a better adhesion to a factory finish! 🙂

Keep the process going. Making sure to pack in the dark wax inside all of the nooks and crannies of your furniture!

how to add Annie sloan dark wax to a new table
applying dark wax
how to antique a new table
Table leg after dark wax

If you have a new piece of furniture that just needs a touch of antiquing this is the way to go! Waxing is the easiest way to achieve that look! It will work better than a glaze because of it’s consistency. 🙂

CLICK HERE for how to chalk paint vintage furniture!

If you have antiqued a piece of furniture before comment below with your process! I’d love to know how it went!

e wax
Completed antiqued dark wax table!