There is lots of talk on the internet about painting fabric. Can you paint fabric on furniture and will it last? The answer is yes to both of these questions! 🙂 I’m going to share with you how I painted the seat cushion of this antique chair. NOTE: The seat cushion was vinyl.
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Supplies to Paint a Vinyl Chair Seat
- Your favorite chalk based or mineral based paint. I used Jolie Swedish Grey to Paint this chair seat cushion.
- Black Wax
- Two Chip Brushes
- Shop towels
To begin, lightly wipe fabric clean with a shop towel. Using a chip brush add one thin coat of Jolie Swedish Grey to the vinyl. Let dry. Once dry apply second coat of Jolie Swedish Grey. You want to make sure that the original color of the fabric can not be seen through the paint.
After paint has fully dried take the chip brush and begin to spread/dab on the black finishing wax. You want to make sure to do this in a way that you do not have brush strokes. I was going for a faux leather look for this cushion. Dabbing and spreading (almost like you would spread frosting on a cake) 🙂 work well to prevent brush strokes when applying the black wax. Wipe away any excess wax as you go.

At this point your chair should look similar to the above picture! 🙂

Yae! You have painted a chair seat with furniture paint and black wax! The black wax will need to cure for 24 hours. Do a test wipe with a shop towel to make sure wax has fully set and your chair is ready for you to sit! 🙂
Have you ever thought about painting fabric before? Comment below if you have! I’ll share extra tips with you! 🙂
CLICK HERE for the full tutorial on how I painted this chair. 🙂