Resin Geodes are on the rise! I was just listening to Lisa Rickert CEO/ Creative Director of Jolie Paints and Ave Home this past Friday talk about how the things that she and other designers are seeing at market are TONS of geodes, crystals and agate rocks.
What is a Geode?
Geodes (derived from the Greek word “γεώδης” meaning “Earth like”) are geological secondary formation within sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Geodes are hollow, vaguely circular rocks, in which masses of mineral matter (which may include crystals) are secluded. The crystals are formed by the filling of vesicles in volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks by minerals deposited from hydrothermal fluids; or by the dissolution of syn-genetic concretions and partial filling by the same, or other minerals precipitated from water, groundwater or hydrothermal fluids. – Wikipedia
What is an Agate rock?
Agate/ˈæɡət/ is a rock consisting primarily of cryptocrystallinesilica, chiefly chalcedony, alternating with microgranular quartz. It is characterized by its fineness of grain and variety of color. Although agates may be found in various kinds of host rock, they are classically associated with volcanic rocks and can be common in certain metamorphic rocks.[1 – The stone was given its name by Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher and naturalist, who discovered the stone along the shore line of the river Achates (Ancient Greek: Ἀχάτης) in Sicily,[2] sometime between the 4th and 3rd centuries BC.[3] Colorful agates and other chalcedonies were obtained over 3,000 years ago from the Achates River, now called Dirillo. – Wikepedia
With the Geode trend on the rise I thought it would be fun to share with you all the EASIEST way I have found to make Geode coasters with resin. Before this way you would have to make your own molds out of silicone caulk to create a geode shape then fill the shape with resin. This method is/was time consuming and you had to be extremely careful to make sure that your resin did not leak underneath your caulk.
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You can check out my Resin Molds Shop HERE. This is the mold I use to make resin geode coasters. 🙂
Supplies to Make Your Own Resin Geode Coasters
- Resin Coaster Mold
- Resin (Stonecoat Countertops quick coat is great for coasters! It hardens fasters.)
- Heat Gun
- Gold Metallic Paint Pen
- Mica Powders
- Disposable cups ( I used these from Dollar Tree!)
- Popsicle sticks ( I also bought these from the Dollar Tree!)
- Disposable Gloves
Steps to Making Your Own Resin Geode Coasters
NOTE: Wear gloves!
Begin by Pouring the Resin A into a disposable cup. I pour to the first line of the cup. In a NEW cup pour the Hardener B to the first line of a disposable cup (equal amounts in both cups). Pour A into B and stir with the popsicle stick for 2 minutes.

After resin has been stirred for two minutes you can add your favorite Mica Powder! (This part is like adding chocolate chips to your chocolate chip cookie dough batter. You do it LAST do not stir it in at the beginning.) Stir Mica powder with popsicle stick just until blended. The more powder you add the more color you will have in your resin geode coasters.

Stir mica powder just until incorporated. After mica powder has been stirred into resin you are ready to pour into your molds! YAE! Exciting!

Pour resin into each mold. Make sure mold is on a flat surface so that as it dries it will dry in an even layer.

Next take your heat gun and blow over the resin. You will see little tiny bubbles that were in the resin start to pop. This is also a great way to create designs. You can maneuver the resin with the warm air from the heat gun.
Let Resin completely dry. Overnight is best. Once resin is completely dry you are ready to remove coasters from mold! Great job! You did it!
Remove coasters from mold and add gold metallic to the edges with your paint pen. 🙂 This adds a little bit more depth to your resin coasters! Great job!

These resin Geode coasters are GREAT gifts for the upcoming holiday season!
If you have any questions about creating your own resin geode coasters leave a comment below! 🙂

CLICK HERE for how to make a 3D resin geode on canvas!
Ps. I’ve also made blue resin geode coasters! You can too! Use a cobalt blue mica powder! 🙂